Email Address:
Phone number
For my career, I need to Clarify my career focus and objective
Acquire networking skills
Acquire selling skills
Learn the basics of leadership
Learn how to negotiate with employers/client
Learn how to set prices for my services
Relax (e.g. massages)
Build my self-esteem
Meet new people and make new friends
Professionally edit my resume
Strategize for an important job application
Become more fit (e.g. lose weight, become more active, etc.)
Make more money
For my social, spiritual, artistic and/or athletic development, I need Recommended books on spirituality
Recommended books on arts and crafts
Recommended books on friendships and relationships
Arts and crafts workshops
Ideas on how to get fit and adopt a more active lifestyle
Opportunities to meet new people
Opportunities to volunteer and help people
For my business, I need to Learn how to evaluate the potential and feasibility of my product or business idea
Acquire marketing skills
Acquire selling skills
Create a business card
Create a flyer (PDF + printed)
Create a website
Create a blog
Learn more about database marketing and CRM
Learn more about launching a business
Network with more business people

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